Isabelle Ringnes

Technology, Society & Diversity


Tech-evangelist, dynamic communicator, and an active source on technology, society & diversity in the media.

Isabelle is a passionate and sought-after public speaker and evangelist for the impact of technology on society, the benefits of diversity, and the pressing need for equality. She is faculty on the topic of diversity at Singularity University Nordic and an active board member at Dermanor, INSJ, Moving Mamas, TENK, Oslo Freedom Forum, and the Norwegian Cancer Association

In 2015 she founded TENK: a Technology Network for Women aiming to inspire young girls to lean in and contribute to shaping our world’s future with technology. TENK has established two-yearly tech-camps for young girls and Isabelle has spoken to thousands of girls around Norway to inspire them to choose technology. Together with SOS Child Villages, she founded Digital Villages in 2020 which helped give children in developing countries access to technology.

In 2018 she co-founded, a product that combines structural and cultural data in organizations to identify issues along the diversity matrix and enables the implementation of evidence-based solutions for gaps identified. In 2014 she co-founded #Hunspanderer, a social movement addressing unconscious bias and gender stereotypes reaching millions of people in Norway.

Isabelle has been appointed one of six Norwegians in “100 Most Influential People in Nordic Tech”, one of the 50 leading women in Tech in Norway and Inspiring Fifty women in tech.


“We already have the technology to solve humanity's greatest challenges. But technology is nothing without people developing it or setting the direction for where it should go. If we want to create equality, we need equal representation in the creation of our technological future”


Isabelle has produced a podcast called Future Forecast, discussing technology, leadership and sustainability with leaders and experts around the world, including guests like Randi Zuckerberg, Richard Quest and Simon Sinek.

In 2019 she co-authored the book Hvem Spanderer about unconscious bias and stereotypes.   

build what matters,
